Life in general

Clearly I don't keep us with my blog as studiously as others, (Mark), but every now and again I guess I do have a little time. Our house looked good for Christmas. Bud does all that outside decorating. I think it looked really nice. Our whole neighborhood really goes all out. We've got out own little Christmas town here in Ashdale.
There's not really much to write. It seems that my entire life is taken up with school and school work. I think back on the 4 years I spent at MVHS just going in afterschool to direct their shows and workwith the Thespian Society. I didn't know how good I had it. Except for the money thing. I enjoy working a lot and staying busy. I suppose I must equate busy with productive. For some of what I do, that is not really true. A lot of times busy can equal disorganized and chaotic. NOT PLEASANT.
I am back rehearsing the Encore! show. Man do I really love doing that. It's fun and silly and pure cheese, but seeing everyone and getting to perform that's what makes it what it is. Yes I get plenty of crap from Mark and Tina about getting up early for school, but it's so very worth it. No one really needs to let them know I said that tho;) It's nice to not be the one who is in charge and responsible for everything for a change. I think that is some of what is wearing about directing in high school. I can't just direct the show. I have to teach some about acting, design the set, or costumes or lights..... or sometimes all three. And deal with all the producing stuff, marketing and front of house, concessions. Not to mention that teenagers have all their own issues that they bring with them. I need a couch in my office for all the therapy sessions I sit through with them.
I think staying busy also keeps me sometimes from focusing on personal issues. The whole "if I can't think about it then it really isnt' happening" type of mentality. My parents issues, my grandparents dying, my crazy uncle, my not so nice sister-in-law (who recently broke her ankle and I'm not laughing...I'm really honestly;) not being able to spend as much time with Bud as we need, my house being dirty, my clothes piling up, not going to the gym with the same regularity and the subsequent weight gain, the Lorton thing, and crap coming up from the past. If I stay busy, none of this intrudes on my daily life. If everyone else has as much going on in their lives, it is a wonder we are half as sane as we seem to be. I suppose I just want what everyone wants; time to be happy, spend time with friends and loved ones, watch a little football, eat a nice dinner with good wine, sleep in clean sheets. Boring isn't it? But perhaps not really.
Today, so far, has been a good day. We had a Stage Combat workshop at school for 3 hours with the delightful Scott Murphy-Neilson. Janine was busy with clients. It was a great class and the kids seemed to really have a good time. Then I came home, had lunch and started to take the tree down and put away the decorations. I do not have the same problem as Mark with putting all my stuff away. It all fit back into the boxes the way it came out. I do need to figure out what to do with the tree this year. It was my parents tree from when I was a kid and it's definitely showing its age!! Bud and I got a new tree after Christmas, so I need to find a home for the old one. I may just pack it up and donate it to prop storage at school. I hate to throw things away. I could definitely be a candidate for that Clean Sweep show on TLC. We have stuff everywhere. It's a little scary how much stuff we have for just two people.
Ok, gotta go. There are papers to grade and football games to watch. Oh my god!! I'm turning in to Anita O'Leary. Not such a bad thing really.
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