Please don't faint!!
So, it was a Killer Bunnies evening with friends and dinner!! This time it was a pasta station type dinner. Bud was chef and I think we all ate too much. It was good tho, red sauce, white sauce, sun dried tomatoes, cheese, italian sausage............and of COURSE, wine!!!!!! What is a pasta nite without some wine? ;)
Mark, of course, is on South Beach so he brought his own string cheese and nuts.
We did play a little Catch Phrase while eating dinner. Not the real rules, but just passing it around and guessing the right answers etc...... Fun! I have GOT to get that game.
But eventually it was time for the main event!
It was tons of fun and there will be more such game nites in the future.
In other news, I missed wishing everyone a Happy Valentines day. Sorry. School is moving along to it's inevitable conclusion. We just finished the last 2 Saturdays of children's shows. This past was Alice in Wonderland. Both shows were packed!! It was really nice. Finally after 4 years there, the word finally got out and people are coming to the kids shows. Just in time for me to be leaving. Great. Oh well. That's their problem now. Hopefully it won't die.
I leave for London on March 14th for a week long tour. There are 41 people going and of them 12 are adults. One of those adults is my mother. This should be interesting. But I am excited to go. We get two full days free and I will, hopefully, be spending one of those days at RADA with Kyle Soller. I will definitely keep a journal and let everyone know how the trip goes.
Talk to you all soon I hope!!
I was the winner!!!!
You always seem to be the winner
it was a fix......I wanted to make sure he had a good time:)
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