Ah the museum! And GREAT friends!
It was really good to see them and be able to spend time with them. MaryEllen and I talked non stop;) I know some of you may find that hard to believe.......ahem. It was really great. I miss her tons. I think that Minnick is right about us all getting older and rethinking our lives a bit. I am too busy to go and visit my best friends. And yet, it was not really so difficult for me to take off a day from school to spend time with them when they came here. The world did not stop, my students did not spiral into a decline, I didn't lose my job........ yet;) I had a great time and I realize how important they are to me. More so than my job. MaryEllen is like my family. Hell, I live close to many of you that I call my friends and I can't take time to see you. I AM too busy. Too busy with too many of the wrong things.
Ugh, enough maudlinism. Is that even a word? All I can do is keep moving forward I suppose;)
I do believe that Bud may soon rival Jeffrey for "why the hell are you taking stupid pictures of me". Except I don't take eating pictures........... I just want some sort of silly picture and he's always looking at me saying......."why the hell are you tkaing stupid pictures of me?" But I think he's partially to blame........... He does stand still for them.
And of course, no trip to the museum is complete with a picture of the Hope Diamond. A girl can dream;)
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