Summer continued

See people, David Wright, Mets third baseman worth $55 million and on his way to be Rookie of the Year...... CUTE!!! And friendly, and apparently single, not that that matters for me, but I thought I'd put it out there.
Here's a picture of Jose Reyes during batting practice as well.

So that was a fun nite, and as a bonus a friend of ours got us into the Diamond Club buffet. Holy crap!! What a spread, and all of it free. Not ballpark food either....salmon steaks, Roast Beef, grilled veggies, some chicken thing..........if you really wanted a hot dog you could get that too. I would pay more for the Diamond club seats to eat the food again;)
Now we move to the Family Reunion on the 19th of August. We(the family I mean) had already planned the party for Grandmom's 100th birthday so we just went ahead with it. It was good to see most everyone again. We did it like we used to when I was a kid by renting out space at a local park and spending the day. It was all about eating, drinking and playing games.

More pics and more on the picnic in the next entry. Blogger is being a jerk about posting pics.
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