It's that time people, Christmas in July! You should have received your invitation in your email inbox. If you haven't, maybe I don't have your email, or maybe I just didn't invite you. But if you're reading the blog, you were on the list to be invited.
As usual it's the last Monday in July, starting around 7. We provide beverages, you provide food.
In other news, I'm slaving away teaching theatre camp. I have not missed it in the years since the West End closed. I will be extremely happy when it's over. One more week. And I also took 2 online 3 week intensive classes to help finish my teacher certification requirements. I don't really recommend taking 2 intense classes at the same time. It's a good thing I had nothing to do during the day for 2 of those 3 weeks. It was crazy the amount of reading and writing. And it's teacher crap so the textbooks and articles were BORING! But they're done and I only have one more class to take. Then I mail my crap to the state and hopefully they mail me back a piece of paper that says "Yay, you're a teacher". Then I can continue to collect the salary.
Sidetrip a few weeks ago, Bud had a meeting in Charlottesville and I went along so we could stop at wineries on the way home. Stopped at the Prince Michel winery (the only one that said they were open on a Wednesday). Yeah, they were closed that day. But they have interesting lawn art;)
I am also adding in the picture from the last post about Nick Johnson's disturbing back view from when we went to the Nats game. What does that man have in his pants????
I am glad that I can post pictures again. I hope that many of you can make Christmas in July. It should be a low key fun evening.
Caren...I got your comment on my blog...Matt says that he didn't get any e-mail from you?
Do you have his address right?
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