Out of Oz!!
Hello my faithful readers.............................oh who the hell am I kidding? I haven't got the time on my hands to have faithful readers:) I can barely keep up with my own life, much less a blog.
So Wizard of Oz is finally over. I'm hoping to get some sleep before I escort the little cherubs to NYC for 4 days over spring break! Good god, what drugs was I on when I planned this little venture???? 41 of the little darlings. We're seeing three shows. NOT TARZAN as I was originally told, but Hairspray. And also Drumstruck and Altar Boyz. 4 classes, time to sight see and go shopping. I am hoping to also get in an audition for who knows what. I will keep dreaming.
I have to miss 3 more Encore Shows so I will have to bring back a gift for Donielle for having to sing Aquarius for a few more times;)
Oz went well. Mark and Tina came to see it. I'm sure there will be rude pictures of Tina on his blog soon. I hope they enjoyed it, I did not really get to talk to them much at all. The parents were appreciative, the kids seemed to have a good time. All in all a good experience. I think it wasn't bad for high school. It was better than most, but not the best. I keep trying. I wonder what it would be like to just direct a show with adults and not have to explain what it is an actor should be doing, and teaching as I go. Oh well. Someday, maybe someday.
Ok, there's really nothing else going on as my life has been consumed with Oz and teaching for the last few weeks. A break will be very welcome. Where I can sit back for a day or two and just enjoy what is around me.
So Wizard of Oz is finally over. I'm hoping to get some sleep before I escort the little cherubs to NYC for 4 days over spring break! Good god, what drugs was I on when I planned this little venture???? 41 of the little darlings. We're seeing three shows. NOT TARZAN as I was originally told, but Hairspray. And also Drumstruck and Altar Boyz. 4 classes, time to sight see and go shopping. I am hoping to also get in an audition for who knows what. I will keep dreaming.
I have to miss 3 more Encore Shows so I will have to bring back a gift for Donielle for having to sing Aquarius for a few more times;)
Oz went well. Mark and Tina came to see it. I'm sure there will be rude pictures of Tina on his blog soon. I hope they enjoyed it, I did not really get to talk to them much at all. The parents were appreciative, the kids seemed to have a good time. All in all a good experience. I think it wasn't bad for high school. It was better than most, but not the best. I keep trying. I wonder what it would be like to just direct a show with adults and not have to explain what it is an actor should be doing, and teaching as I go. Oh well. Someday, maybe someday.
Ok, there's really nothing else going on as my life has been consumed with Oz and teaching for the last few weeks. A break will be very welcome. Where I can sit back for a day or two and just enjoy what is around me.

We did enjoy it!!! Couldn't you tell from my review???
I did read the review. Thanks again for being there;) It meant a lot.
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