Field trip etc!
I love filling out the field trip request form and getting a pricipal to sign it when it says Lorton Prison. This year the principal's secretary asked me if there was room on the bus for some of the staff and could I just leave them there. She didn't care that there's no heat, or running water....... she seemed to think it would only help some of those people that needed to be left out there.
Ok, anyway..........can you tell morale is a little low at my place of employment?.........So we were there for almost an hour. Of course it was cold as Mark's heart there that day, but at least the sun was shining.
One of the boys didn't have gloves because he said that the gloves he owns did not match his outfit so he didn't bring them.
God save me. They got a lot of pictures and measurements for their projects. It definitely helps them to actually see the space and walk around in it. Even if it is freezing;) This group seems a little more excited than last year.
There's the usual fighting about what to put in the space and what type of shows to do, but they seem to be doing well so far. Their projects are judged by Sharon Mason from Lorton, Eric Hoefler one of our Humanities teachers, myself and one other guest judge. That slot is still open so if you want to judge, let me know;) It does not pay. Sorry.
Not much else happening right now. I'm in rehearsal for the musical. We're doing Working. It's going ok so far. The first act will be finished being blocked this week. We also just did the first of our children's shows on Saturday. We did Livin' de Life. It's the Brer Rabbit stories. Small houses, but the kids that did come really seemed to like it.
It's very physical, so it appeals to the boys. Next Saturday is Winnie the Pooh. I hope the houses are bigger.
Till next time friends!
Let us know when Working opens. We would love to come and see it. That is one of Kevin's favorites shows!
Scarily enough we open on april 13. Friday the 13th. There's a good omen. :)
Rehearsals are going well so far. Now all I need to find is someone to supply the scaffolding.
Yeah, Caren! Great to see you blogging again. That backdrop looks familiar, hmmmm.
I'll need at least a six pack of good ale beer before I can accept the job. The space looked bigger on paper.
so erudite Mark
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