Friday, May 23, 2008

counting down;)

So I am counting down the days til I am out of school. 15 left in case you were wondering. As it comes to the end, I find myself looking around at some of the other staff members and wondering many things. In theatre lots of actors are not nice and many are self absorbed, but for the most part we do the best we can for the good of the show. Well, most of us do. The ones I know anyway. We don't really have time for personal drama to intrude on our job, nor do we have the energy to create it and allow it to consume us for personal gain. The show is what we are hired to do and that's the job we do.

Perhaps I am being naive. Maybe that isn't how we really are, and I only see what I want to see. But I have noticed lately in the academic world that it is not like that. There are a lot of people in the building I am in that would rather create some sort of drama to bring the focus on them rather than keep the focus on the reason why any of us actually have a job there. The students. I thought that was why teachers were there, to share their knowledge with the students. Not to have accolades heaped upon them and great fusses made over them because they are amazing. Nor to have the students adore them above any other teacher. It's not a competition. At least, I didn't think it was.

It is perhaps a very good thing that I am getting out. It is extremely disheartening to walk into the building every day knowing that I will have to deal with those people. I try to avoid it by just doing my job, but apparently that's not good enough. I am in a pensive mood today. I am trying to figure out this transition in my life and also examine my stint for the last four years. I do not know if I got it right in my dealings with others. I think I may be too simple. I cannot comprehend the larger picture of all the underlying machinations that are going on around me. Nor do I have the time or energy to devote to them. I just thought I could come in and do my job within the parameters that are set for me. True, some of those I stretched to the limit when I could. But mostly so the students could go further. Not to raise a banner that says "look at me, I am doing amazing things here and you should bow down before me and give me notice". That seems silly to me.

Even sillier is the fact that I am pondering this:) I am confused by it I guess. Perhaps it is 12 years of Catholic school intruding on my consciousness. We are not above another for we have a higher purpose. Hmmm, ok, so catholics CAN sound kind of pompous. It's a fine line I suppose. All of us do crave that pat on the back for a job well done. I like hearing that I'm doing a good job, but that's not WHY I do it. I don't know.........

Perhaps the simplest distillation of my thoughts is really the fact that in academia you cannot have friends, you can only have co-workers. And that is sad.

15 days. I can do anything for 15 days.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Catching up

Hello all. So we are in the final stretch at school. Last weekend was the Spring Dance Concert "Impulse to Move". It went well I thought. This weekend is a benefit concert run entirely by the Dance students. It is called "Step Up: Dance for a Difference" and is supporting an organization that teaches dance to challenged; mostly physically challenged, children. I can't remember the name of the organization at the moment, but can find it if anyone is interested. The concert is on Saturday May 10 and tickets are $8. All the money is going to this organization. We had a tech yesterday and the dances are a full range of styles. I think it looks pretty cool. I hope if anyone has time they can come and support this cause. The concert starts at 7:30.

It's also rehearsal for the senior directed one acts. 11 student directors, 4 nites of one acts. We've got everything from children's theatre to absurdist. It's crazy. I stay after everyday to give them rehearsal time in the building. It's giving me time to pack up my stuff. I need boxes. I've run out and the copy center......... yeah, there's a lot of teachers leaving sooo lots of people are asking for boxes. I guess I should just break down and go buy some. I've collected a lot of random crap in the last few years. I've been throwing lots of things away too.

They haven't found anyone to take my job yet. They're interviewing, but so far....... it hasn't looked promising. At least that's what my AP told me yesterday. And with the other theatre teacher leaving as well............... yeah. They got nobody. If anyone knows someone who is looking to get into teaching theatre in a high school that has a theatre degree and knows the production side as well as acting................Get that application IN!!

Sorry no pics with this post. Haven't taken many lately. Concentrating on finishing at the 'Bridge and working up some Lorton stuff. Writing class descriptions, reading children's shows, trying to figure out how to pay for a children's theatre company............. you know, stuff like that:) It's kind of really exciting to be starting something new. I feel like I'm standing right on the edge and I'm not really sure where that first step is going to take me. I just know that everytime I think about that first step I am grinning like a fool. Same feeling I get when I ride an amazing roller coaster.

God, I am such a geek.